Exoplanet Calculator 🪐

4.6 μs

This calculator uses host star and orbital parameters from the literature to self-consistently calculate derived values used for estimating the observed signal (ΔD) produced by its planet's atmosphere.

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13.5 μs

Literature values

4.1 μs

Reference values from NASA Exoplanet Archive

16.3 μs
135 μs


4.6 μs

Scroll to see more:

5.2 μs
142 μs

Calculate parameters

1.8 μs
659 μs

How parameters were calculated

1.5 μs

The calculator first checks if there are missing input parameters and then calls the appropriate function to calculate them for each study. The resulting derived parameters are then calculated from them.

Everything was done with a "star first" approach, meaning that all stellar parameters were determined first, and then the planet parameters were determined self-consistently from that. If conflicting parameters are given, the calculator will try to give priority to using direct observables to perform calculations and error otherwise.

For transparency, the inputs used for each calculation are shown in parenthesis next to each parameter.

3.2 μs
159 μs

These are the functions used to calculate each parameter based on the combination of inputs given. No if statements or default "None" keyword arguments needed thanks to Julia's multiple dispatch! For ease of reference, these functions also return a string of the inputs used.

2.9 μs
217 μs

Input parameters from study

4.7 μs
359 μs

Derived parameters

1.7 μs
334 μs

Display final results

1.6 μs
97.3 μs

Libraries for using things like physical constants and units.

2.9 μs
38.0 ms